Category: Current Events (page 15 of 91)

500 Words On People

A good soundtrack for this column:

It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed anything. Or stuck to a one-post-per-weekday schedule. I give myself mental and emotional hell for that, on occasion, but you know what? It isn’t the end of the world. It’s okay. I’m okay.

My name is Josh Loomis, and I’m a person.

Provided you’re not one of Google’s non-self-aware bots, you’re a person, too.

It’s a simple fundamental fact, the establishment of personhood on behalf of the other. Yet it’s so easy to forget, to villainize, to de-personize. “Your opinion is horrible from my point of view, therefore YOU ARE HORRIBLE TOO” tends to be the norm in a lot of discussion and debates, especially online. A person may have horrid opinions, or behave in a horrible way for one reason or another, but does that make them inherently horrible?

When someone says something of a dubious nature, or that can be taken as offensive by another, it’s insidiously easy to jump to conclusions, choose sides, take up arms. I’ve been guilty of that. But in my age, I’ve taken more time to breathe, think, and consider both sides. Or try to, at least. I’m a person, after all. I err more often than not, by my very nature.

I’ve written about things like GamerGate in the past, and have found myself coming down on the side of those who have felt intimidated out of professions they love because of external pressures from such sources. However, that’s been unfair of me. There are people within GG who are legitimately trying to make gaming a better community. There are people within games journalism attempting to base their work on facts and research instead of corporate sponsorship. And there are less upstanding people on both sides as well. But it’s people, all the way down the line.

And I think we should try harder to be kind to people.

I’m certainly not saying censorship or thought policing is the answer, because freedom of speech and of choice are essential to a free-thinking society. But, to quote another AJJ song, “for God’s sake, you’ve gotta be kind.” Pointing out problems in a behavior, turn of phrase, or course of action can and should be divided from a judgement call on the person you’re addressing. Because you’re addressing a person just like you.

From discussions on the essence of GamerGate to debates on who and what Superman should be, try to remember to be kind. As of this writing, we only have the one planet on which to live, and we all have to share it. What is the point in bickering for superior intellectual positioning? Don’t we have enough problems? We should be working to be one people, not being rude and dismissive of one another. I’m not a violent person, but I will fight, and keep fighting until all are one.

I don’t think it’s too late. I believe we can turn it around. I have faith.

Don’t you?

Gone Dark

Courtesy Vertigo

The last few days have not been kind to me.

Oh, the weekend was a blast. Any chance I get to see the wonderful friends I’m now close enough to see more than once a year is a good one. I managed to go to a soccer match for the first time in a long time, with passionate fans in fancy dress, picking up chants and even getting scarfed by one of the most dedicated and singular people I know. I had a ball.

Then the week began and everything just sort of fell apart.

I won’t bore you with gory details. I’ll just say that on top of the stuffy head and general discombobulation, I’m heartsick and once again sorting and dealing with a plethora of negative emotions. This could be a possible downswing from the high of the weekend; it could also get attributed to a particular incident that occurred immediately after said weekend. Or it could be a combination of the two.

Whatever it is, it’s pretty awful.

Anyway. That’s where I’ve been the last couple days. I’ll try to get the blog schedule back on track. I know I need to. Hammering out a routine is pretty key to emotional stability, and mine continues to meander here and there without me having much control over it.

I really need to put a stop to that.

500 Words On Depression

It sucks.

Part of me just wants to repeat those two words 250 times and be done with the subject. But, even though this is my personal webspace, a tiny little corner of the vast Internet, I do try to present my work and my thoughts in a more professional manner than that. If this were a post on Tumblr in the midst of a miasma of self-doubt and loathing, yeah, I might just type “IT SUCKS” over and over again. But let’s talk about it, here.

I think a lot of people have some misconceptions about depression.

There are certainly days when it is difficult to overcome the miasma of gray clouds and dark thoughts that weigh down the mind of the victim. However, the desire for overcoming is still there. It’s definitely stronger on some days more than others, but it never really goes away. Think of it like this: if someone loses their legs, they still want to cross a room entirely under their own power, but extra effort is required, with arms or wheels or prostheses. Suffering from depression is a lot like that, only it’s entirely cerebral, and not at all as well recognized or supported.

You have to look at it that way, though. Depression is a disease. It’s a disability. You suffer from it. It plays merry hell on your confidence, your expectations, your energy, and your ambitions. And it isn’t something someone just “gets over”. You can’t just “snap yourself out” of depression. You can take steps to mitigate it, surround yourself with a support network to stave off its effects, get yourself in front of a therapist, and even begin a regimen of medication. But, in the end, the disability is there. It’s just under the surface. And it isn’t going away.

It sucks.

It comes in a whole lot of flavors, too. It’s part of bipolar disorder, it can be affected and invoked by seasonal change, it can even emerge as the result of childbirth. As if allowing new life to gestate within your body wasn’t hard enough, and dealing with all of the bullshit that comes with being seeing as good for nothing more than that by a great deal of the world’s population, mothers have to deal with depression on top of everything? That’s just straight-up unfair.

So depression sucks. It needs to be acknowledged as a disability and a disease. It keeps people away from their passions. It saps energy, costs productive hours, and drains all sorts of resources as it runs roughshod over the psyches and emotions of a lot of people who feel ashamed or uncertain about bringing their problems into the light. This is unforgivable. If someone was crippled from birth or in an accident, or contracted a debilitating disease with outward shows, like cancer or leprosy, the need for help would be undeniable.

But depression, on top of everything else, is invisible. It’s invasive and insidious, sure, but invisible, as well?

Fuck you, depression.

Too Tired To Write? Is That Even A Thing?

Courtesy Wholehearted Ministries

If I am asked, I will say that I work for my current dayjob part-time. And yet, I am often one of the few people remaining in the office at the end of the day. That, or I arrive at the office before anybody else shows up. I’m dedicated to the new office, to making a difference in the business, and thus have not devoted more energy and time to other work, billable writing, or even my own novel work.

At least, not during the day. You’d think that after I get done with work and walk home (with a train ride in the middle) that I’d look forward to kicking up my heels and getting some writing done. And I do. The problem is, by the time I get all of the important things in my life sorted, I have very little energy left with which to write anything of significance.

Even this blog post had to wait until the morning to get finished. I simply ran out of steam last night. I’m hoping that with medication and a shift in my focus at the dayjob, I will have more time and energy in the latter part of the day to return to a routine of writing, blogging, and generally being able to breathe deeply. It would be ideal if this “too tired to write” thing would stop being a thing in the near future.

500 Words on Triggers

You’ll see warnings about them on blog posts, Tumblr, and other portions of the Internet. In case you didn’t know, the warnings aren’t there just to be trendy.

Triggers are rooted in trauma. Be it trauma that affected a single evening or changed the course of an entire life, such things are very real, especially for the victims. Their effects can run deep and really shake the victim out of their comfort zone. And some triggers do not manifest until long after an inciting incident. In other words, the victim might not even know something is a trigger until an incident arises.

This was the case with me. I had an experience recently that I can say, without a shadow of irony or facetiousness, triggered me. There was a point at which I was curled up on the ground, as tightly as possible, facing away from every glowing screen, weeping. I won’t go into more details about it, but suffice it to say that not only was I disturbed by the incident in general, that specific reaction was absolutely terrifying. It felt beyond my control. It took a lot of time, breathing, and effort to pull myself back from that emotional brink and convince myself that the world was not, in fact, coming to an end. And even then, I’ve had trouble sleeping all week up until last night, when I finally took a Melatonin before bed. And while I did not have the sort of nightmare I’ve been having this week, I still dreamed pretty vividly.

It is undeniable that triggering incidents like this happen all of the time for some people. In fact, a few might go through something like this every day. Responsible people even peripherally aware of the devastating power of triggers mark their work with warnings to avoid causing pain and suffering. And yet, for some dudebros on the Internet, “trigger warning” is a laughable concept. Much in the same way that they mock people who are invested in changing the social order to better represent a diverse population, trolls are even more derisive of people who admit to being so sensitive to certain subjects and material. I’m not one to paint with broad brushes, as people as individuals are very different creatures who come from different backgrounds and operate under different circumstances. But in my opinion, those who act with willful ignorance and express their opinions in cutting, dismissive manners are some of the worst on the planet.

I’m not expecting any of my words to change the world, or anything. I’m just saying that my understanding of triggers is even more comprehensive. I’ve used trigger warnings on Tumblr before now. I’ll continue to do so, and I’m doing my utmost to take care of myself. What happened was extremely unfortunate, and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody. But I am working to recover from it. It’ll take time. But I think it’s possible.

Also, and unrelated:


It feels good to be writing again.

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