Category: Current Events (page 57 of 91)

Can’t Talk. Moving.

Moving Truck

As I write this, more and more boxes are appearing in the homestead as books disappear from shelves. After three years in Lansdale, we’re moving closer to my dayjob. There are things I will miss about living here – easy access to mass transit, many shops close by, the rustic charm of the house – and things I won’t – the traffic noises, the lack of privacy, the illusion of space.

I’m still going through and throwing out things from the basement, something that’s been a long time in coming. I picked up a habit of hoarding, and removing a good deal of dead weight from among the boxes beneath me has been liberating. However, there’s still a great deal of packing to do, and a few loose ends to tie up, especially since the house from which we rented this apartment got sold out from under us and the new owners have been relatively silent.

Today will be a long day at the dayjob, and moving day is tomorrow. For those that care, I don’t foresee a major disruption in the schedule. And, hopefully, once things are set up and settled in I can focus more on Cold Streets and try to meet my self-imposed deadline of “end of 2012” for some form of workable draft.

One would think I would have outgrown my tendency to procrastinate by now. But I seem to keep putting it off.

Storm’s Passage

We’re okay. And if you’re reading this, I hope you are, too.

I don’t want to downplay the impact of the storm at all. Millions are without power. People have died. The largest city in the Western world is oddly silent and seemingly empty.

Yet, the storm is moving on. It does not linger and will not last forever.

Human history has shown that we are a resilient species. We grow, change, adapt, and survive. This goes for the species in general as well as the individual. In the course of our brief lives, we weather all sorts of storms, and crises, and disasters, and loss.

I hope that, as you read this, you and your loved ones continue to stay safe, your property remains relatively undamaged, and remember that even if you can’t see it, the sun is still shining, and it will rise again strong and clear when the darkness has passed.

Hatches Battened Down

Sandy Prep

Sandy is currently pelting my area with rain. The wind is mild, as far as I can tell, and many places (like my office & the school Danielle attends) are shut down.

But public works folks, soldiers, first responders, and people with less cool administrators are out there, in this weather, and I for one am praying for their safety.

Between this and the upcoming move I have to pack for, this week is going to be interesting.

Stay safe, everyone.

Writer Report: Forward Motion


Preparations for the move are ramping up. Q4 is looming on the horizon at the dayjob. I have a dozen things to do between now and next weekend, and smack dab in the middle of all of that is jury duty.

Compared to these things, progress on Cold Streets feels absolutely glacial.

There is progress, however. Slowly but surely, I’m closing in on the heart of the story. Just as much as I want my villains to be more than flat stereotypes, the main crux of the story is about more than just a supernatural murder. I’m not quite at the point where I feel I can take the plot completely off the rails for the sake of building to a climax; rather, I want there to be motivations and background and conflicts that range beyond the superficial. What I don’t want is for the readers coming back for more of what Cold Iron delivered to feel disappointed.

That could be part of what’s holding me back – that fear. Fear of letting people down. It’s idiotic, of course; I should just write as much as I can as fast as I can so I finish my shit. Those are the rules, right? Right.

Yet I make excuses related to distractions and fatigue and a bunch of other stuff. I really need to cram it when it comes to that. Sure, I may be better equipped to sequester myself after the move (seriously, the layout of the current place ensures about zero privacy) and help is on the way in various forms, but right now, I need to try and cut down what I can to focus on the words.

While any forward motion is good motion, more of it would be fantastic.

Extra Life 2012 Aftermath

Courtesy Origin/EA/Me.

THANK YOU to everyone who tuned in, tweeted, and donated!

Donations Raised: $162

Kitties Fragged: 413

Notable Kills:
Dakhath nar Sihkag aka “Deathstroke”
Khajja nar Ja’targk aka “The Machine”, “The Fang”
Bakhtosh nar Kiranka aka “Redclaw”
Kur aka “Human-Killer”

Fighters Wrecked: 85

I’m still recovering from the weekend, I think. Regular posts resume tomorrow.

Fighter pilot needs tea badly.

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