Category: Current Events (page 82 of 91)

It’s Dangerous To Go Alone

Mystic Aquarium, Mystic CT

Adventure is something we crave. Sometimes we bury our desire for it under piles of paperwork and growing stacks of bills. Sometimes we come dangerously close to ruin because we ignore all else in our pursuit of a new journey, a fresh sight, a plunge into the unknown.

It can difficult to balance these extremes. The world must be tended to, basic needs addressed, before flights of fancy can get off the ground. And not all flights should depart as we want, if taking off means leaving behind potentially dangerous situations.

I’m the kind of person who can take off without a second thought. I’m not always rooted in the real world. And when I am, I can linger there, overwhelmed by bad news and worse situations that I’m fully aware I’ve put myself into. Balance is sometimes very hard for me to find. I’ll be the first to admit that, as much as I want to see and do and be before my time on this planet is up, I’m not strong enough to make it on my own.

I don’t just need adventure. I need someone willing to adventure with me.

Mystic Aquarium, Mystic CT

Thanks to you, it’s been a year of adventures, a year of storms to endure and sunlight to enjoy. Good and bad, thick and thin, I’m grateful for the past year and looking forward to many, many more.

I love you, Danielle. Happy anniversary.

Shameless Filler

If you’re reading this, the location I’m at in New Jersey does not have Internet access, and I’ll be unable to upload my IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! review of The Hangover.

If that’s the case, accept my sincere apologies, look for the review tomorrow, and here’s a picture of a kitten.


Need Some Help Here!

This time next week, I will be in Mystic, Connecticut for a family reunion. That means I might not have a lot of time for blogging, if I have any at all. So, I’m running up the white flag and asking for a bit of aid in keeping the daily delivery of blog-flavored goodness.

Got something you want to say about storytelling in general? Did the story of a particular film or game piss you off, earning a place in your personal “How not to tell a tale” pantheon? Hell, did something I do piss you off? What makes good speculative fiction? Why do you love/hate/feel indifferent towards/want to hump IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! every week when it shows up?

Toss ideas at me in the comments, if you have any. I’m looking for three gems for next weekend. I’ve got Friday covered, of course.

Back to work for me. Head going under water. Glub, glub, glub.

Intellectual Indigestion

To The Oatmeal

This was going to be the first of a few posts inspired by The Oatmeal,, but I have quite a bit of work to do if I want to get something tangible squared away by Thursday.

“First you do the work that feeds your belly,” someone very wise told me recently, “then you do the work that feeds your soul.”

It’s hard to do the work that feeds your belly when it makes you want to vomit, but only critics get paid for complaining.

Watch LOST? Good. Now, get lost.


I really like the work of JJ Abrams. I’ve seen bits and pieces of his TV show LOST and I’ve liked what I’ve seen. I like that it makes people think, posits difficult questions to both its characters and the audience, and has a bit of an old-fashioned serial feel to it. I dig all of that.

The show ended last night, and people for the most part like how it ended. They like that it still provoked thought at the end. And they laugh at people who are pissed off because it’s over but it’s still making people’s brains hurt when they try to use them. I dig that, too.

But everywhere I turn, people are blathering on about LOST, and it’s kind of pissing me off.

My wife’s never seen it. I missed the first year or two. So, we’ll be going back and starting from the beginning. That means I’d like to avoid spoilers. Which, in turn, means I need to avoid 90% of the blogs, feeds and Facepages I tend to visit. It’s also irritating because there are interesting conversations going on in which I can’t participate because I have no frame of reference. And by the time I am up to speed, none of my points will be particularly relevant.

I know, that’s pretty much true of any damn review I do on this blog, but I’m still miffed about this, dammit.

It could just be residual anger over the issues I’m having trying to get World of Warcraft working on my Linux laptop. Just because you can install Linux on just about anything doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll work. It’s so close, I’m either going to sort out this last little bug or I’ll have to break down and find a way to install a stable copy of Windows on a different partition through a USB key.

Oh, and there’s still unpacking to do in the new flat, at least one load of laundry needs to get done so there are clean teatowels to tackle the ever-growing stack of dishes in the sink, and my older sister’s wall map and an old monitor linger at the old place.

And that’s not even touching my dayjob workload or my desire to finish the novel in the next couple of weeks or so.

Good times. Happy Monday, everybody!

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