Tag: cold streets (page 7 of 9)

Writer Report: Get The Lead Out

Bard by BlueInkAlchemist, on Flickr

Just a quick one today, folks. It’s actually something I need to work on: the speed at which I write. Cold Streets is still making very slow progress, and I’m wondering if part of that is due to having other writerly projects taking up my brain.

So, in the name of experimentation, this weekend I will commit my revisions of the opening of the first Godslayer novel to an actual electronic document, and see what happens from there. Maybe I’ll write more of that, and maybe I’ll unstick myself when it comes to the novella. It’s hard to say!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. No matter what you do, don’t ever give up and don’t forget to have fun when you can!

Writer Report: Moving Right Along

Bard by BlueInkAlchemist, on Flickr

Forgetting the charging unit for my MacBook (required for the dayjob) turned out to be a blessing in disguise when we were in Canada. I’d also packed my Moleskines, and the red one got a lot of use from me. I’m not entirely sure where or how the motivation hit me, but one day up north I just cracked it open and started writing. What resulted from that was a new opening for the first book of the Godslayer trilogy.

I will admit that my previous tack, a kid fretting over his grades as he wanders the streets of a magical floating city, was a bit too dull. While it’s possible to engage in character building and a bit of exposition in such a scene, there need to be more to it than that. Now our hero moves through those streets on a mission, one that makes him both driven and a little paranoid, and demonstrates that he’s more than willing to break a rule or two to get what he wants. He’s doing something foolish and dangerous, and I think that’s good for him. It makes his character more interesting from the get-go.

The downside to the power situation was having less motivation to work on Cold Streets. I’m still not sure why I’m struggling to maintain a daily count with that thing. But I have to find a way. Writing isn’t just something I get to do when I feel like it, or when I’m all caught up in the thrill of a new idea. It’s like a relationship: it takes time and work, even when (some might say especially when) you want nothing to do with it.

I may not be huge on resolutions, but that sounds like a good one. Right up there with “Art harder, motherfucker“.

Writer Report: Back On Track


I’m still not writing as much as I would like in a sitting, but I’m writing more and it’s consistent in that it’s happening every day, now. Cold Streets is back on the front burner and bubbling away nicely. I know I will have to go back and do a bunch of editing and rewriting. But I need to at least get the concepts, scenes, and beats out of my head and on to paper before I can properly mess around with them. And there’s only one way to do that!

In the hopes of keeping people interested in my work and with an eye towards better promotion, I’m happy to announce the following: for the rest of 2012, until January 2 2013, Cold Iron is on sale at Amazon for $0.99. If you haven’t already, you can get it for your Kindle right here. If you have already downloaded and read Cold Iron, tell a friend, leave a review, send me a comment, something along those lines.

I’ve gone back and forth about how to approach the former fantasy novel, and whether or not it will be a trilogy. Looking over the story, the complexities, and the things I want to discuss through and with the characters, I think that yes, breaking it up is probably the way to go. It is my hope that, as winter goes on, I can put together more notes, form more thoughts coherently, and finally take the red pen, scalpel, darling-slaying shotgun, and all-important flamethrower to my original manuscript to craft the first novel of the Godslayer trilogy.

Last but not least, I still believe that science fiction stories do not need to be constrained to a single type within their own narratives. There’s no reason a good character-driven story can’t begin life as one thing and slowly become another. The Fellowship of the Ring has a whimsical, homey start in the Shire, but by the end, darkness and peril are all around and it’s hard to imagine how things can get worse. It is that grounding in whimsy that makes the end, and the next two books, so powerful and resonant. It has been done in fantasy many times; why not in science fiction?

I’m not comparing myself to Tolkien by any means, I just think that it might be an experiment worth trying.

Writer Report: One Thousand

This marks the one thousandth post on my blog. I really don’t know if this should be a big deal, or not.

On the one hand, a thousand is a LOT. It means that, for almost three years off and on, I’ve been blathering my thoughts out into the nothingness of the Internet. Occasionally, this drivel gets into the faces of people who appreciate it, and I don’t know if I’d still be doing this if it weren’t for you. Yes, YOU, even the person who stumbled across the blog with a Google Image search (which, according to my dash, is how I get roughly half of my traffic). It also helps that I flat-out enjoy writing, even when the writing feels somewhat arduous. More on that in a bit.

On the other hand, all I’ve done is blather for a thousand posts. I mean, it’s my hope that someone somewhere found something of value in a couple of my posts, but from my perspective, half of the time I’m just brain-dumping into a text window. As much as I’d like to think that the right words in the right order perceived by the right person can save the world, my opinion of myself is not so high to think that I have those words, that order, or such a person that reads this. I could be wrong, though. There’s also the fact that, after a thousand posts, I still only have one actual publication of my own out there and it’s sort of stagnant at the moment. Which is probably due to a lack of promotion. Time to schedule some tweets!

I certainly can’t make a career out of blogging, at least not with just this thing unless I do something like sign up with Project Wonderful for ads and find a way to explode all over Tumblr, so let’s move on.

The dayjob has been stressful as hell lately, but I’m making time this weekend to feng shui the living crap out of the apartment, or at the very least arrange the bedroom in such a way that, regardless of where my other half is, I can isolate myself and write. I have OpenOffice, DropBox, and little else on what I’m calling the Craptop (it’s an ancient Dell Latitude I got from the dayjob office when they were giving away old crap), and it’s portable to the degree I can sit at either the ‘kitchen’ table next to my desk or the writing desk that will be in the bedroom and be free of my major distractions. No Steam, no other games, no chat clients, no Twitter, no Tumblr, no Skype. There will eventually be a nearby shelf with board games, Magic, and other such things, but cracking those things open requires more physical effort than clicking on a link. They won’t interfere with the focus I’ll have when I get that writing groove back.

I’m going to keep the desire to write foremost in my mind, and am mostly looking towards the new year as kind of a fresh start. If I can nail down more of a routine for writing, and meet word goals I set every day, I can be much more prolific, and will finally get around to the rewriting and new writing I’m craving. Pushing forward with Cold Streets by comparison feels a bit sluggish. Maybe it’s a general lack of energy due to how much I’m pushing myself at the dayjob, and I just need a readjustment, which is why stuff is getting moved around.

The most important thing is not to quit. The second most important thing is to fucking write. Third is, I don’t know, generally being awesome? Basically you just have to keep yourself going and making sure people know you’re still at it, and eventually things will click. Or so I’ve gathered.

Anyway, thanks for hanging around, especially if you’ve been here a while. If you want to how far I’ve come, I recommend the Wayback Machine. I’m sure Mister Peabody will happily take you to any number of embarrassing anecdotes in the growth of my blog. And if you get that reference, we should totally hang out.

Writer Report: Don’t Forget To Be Awesome

Rather than bore you with my usual drivel on how Cold Streets is moving forward at a pretty good pace for a glacier and making all sorts of excuses, here’s John Green discussing the whys and wherefores of people reading in the first place.

CrashCourse is a phenomenal series and if you’re not watching it already, you should be.

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