Tag: mental illness (page 6 of 7)

Vlog #3: “The Zone”

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Comfort zones! Being uncomfortable! And talking about it, whee! Would you like to know more? Watch as I try to keep it together.

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Feeling Like Dying

Courtesy http://www.tombstonebuilder.com/index.php

Suicide discussion follows. Be forewarned.

For someone who no longer has the impulse to commit suicide, I think about it quite a bit.

It’s a feeling. I talked about feelings earlier this week. I know that my suicidal thoughts, and the attached feelings, are not invalid. I have no intention of acting upon them, so there are no real consequences to me having them in and of themselves. But I am going to write about them, and try to unpack this tangled mess in my head when I ask myself questions like:

“Why is it worth the pain and struggle to get up every morning?”

“What, if anything, do I really bring to the world around me?”

“Who in their right mind would want to give me their time, let alone trust or affection, when they see me as I am, now, and know all I was and all I’ve done?”

Especially in light of losing so much that was so important to me, through my own ignorance, impulsiveness, self-deception, and lack of cognitive wherewithal, I have a hard time considering myself a worthwhile human being. I fight every day to hold on to some semblance of self-worth, some notion that later today or maybe tomorrow will be better, and some days are easier than others. I try to focus on good moments, rather than bad ones.

And, as I have so many times before, I fail miserably and spectacularly.

I don’t even fail in half-measures. I either prevail or crash and burn in absolutely breathtaking fashion.

I’ve never attempted suicide. I’ve put myself in the care of medical professionals when I reach that brink. I rarely call a crisis hotline. 9-1-1 is my go-to “I need real help, no really, right the fuck now” number. Because I would rather face my demons head-on even if their horns are going to gouge out my idiot brain, than just give up. And if I ever did give up, I’d do the job right. I’d go somewhere nobody has to clean up after my mess and just disappear from your lives. And some people out there, my badbrain tells me, would be glad for it. Sighs of relief would be breathed.

“Good riddance,” they would say. “That guy made me so uncomfortable/angry/sad. I’m glad he’s dead.”

I don’t think the people I know are actually like that. But my brain won’t shut up about such sentiments.

If there is a God, and I was made this way for some esoteric and inscrutable “higher purpose”, I want to speak to someone in charge about this defective product. It’s really irritating.

Rather than the above maudlin badbrain idiocy, I think a lot of people would just exhale and shake their heads.

“His heart was in the right place.”

At least, I’d like to think it is. It has not ever been, nor will it ever be, my intention to just grab whatever it is I want, and to the hells what other people need. I tend to go in the opposite direction. The more I’m pushed, the more I go out of my way to satisfy other people’s needs. To the hells with my needs, self-care, or any of that stuff. Other people first. Their safety, their comfort, their desires come first. That is the way I’ve been wired since I was young.

So the thought of someone feeling unsafe or uncomfortable or having their needs unmet because of something I’ve done really fucking burns me up inside.

The feelings of the offended are not invalid. They had the right to take action. Those actions had consequences. I felt the full brunt of them. I will go on feeling them for a long time. Nevertheless, I have no desire to demonize the offended, or blame what has happened to me on them. Again – their feelings are not invalid.

Neither are mine.

All I’m doing with them is screaming into the void. It doesn’t really matter who, if anyone, is listening.

The head weasels, of course, want to know if there’s more I can do to punish myself.

Because it isn’t enough that I am left physically intact by this. They say more is required. Justice is still undone, they say. My freedom is unearned, they say. I should not have the freedom to do whatever I want, to grow in the ways I need to grow, to see another beautiful sight when I’ve done so many ugly things.

“You do not deserve your life,” they say. “You’ve wasted it. And there is no point denying that or letting it go one more day.”

At the very least, they inspire me to think: I should harm myself in some way. Castrate myself. Flagellate myself nightly. Form a celice out of wire and nails. Scar myself.

I want tattoos but cannot afford them.

I guess that will be the ultimate expression of all of this frustration and anger and pain and grief in my lifetime. Willingly allowing my flesh to get marked in a permanent way that, from what I understand, hurts in various ways depending on where it happens.

As I said, I doubt I’ll stop feeling these things any time soon. And as much as I may feel like dying in a given moment or on a given day, I think I trust my mind enough to not push me into doing something awfully stupid with dire and irrevocable consequences for my family and friends. I try to remind myself that I’m allowed to have feelings. Even if I feel like dying. I will not act on that particular feeling.

I will, instead, pack another few pinches of pipe tobacco into my pipe’s bowl.

I’ll pour myself another drink.

Maybe find something edible to enjoy.

I will wait.

And when Death finally arrives, I will toast their entry, greet them as an old friend, and wonder what the hells took them so long.


I’m gonna need someone to help me
I’m gonna need somebody’s hand
I’m gonna need someone to hold me down
I’m gonna need someone to care
I’m gonna writhe and shake my body
I’ll start pulling out my hair
I’m going to cover myself with the ashes of you
and nobody’s gonna give a damn.

Son of a bitch
Give me a drink
One more night
This can’t be me
Son of a bitch
If I can’t get clean
I’m gonna drink my life away

Now for seventeen years I’ve been throwing them back
Seventeen more will bury me
Can somebody please just tie me down
Or somebody give me a goddamn drink

Son of a bitch
Give me a drink
One more night
This can’t be me
Son of a bitch
If I can’t get clean
I’m gonna drink my life away

My heart was breaking, hands are shaking, bugs are crawling all over me
My heart was breaking, hands are shaking, bugs are crawling all over me
My heart was breaking, hands are shaking, bugs are crawling all over me
My heart is breaking, hands are shaking, bugs are crawling all over me

Son of a bitch
Give me a drink
One more night
This can’t be me
Son of a bitch
If I can’t get clean
I’m gonna drink my life away

Son of a bitch
Give me a drink
Son of a bitch
This can’t be me
Son of a bitch
If I can’t get clean
I’m gonna drink my life away

Vlog #2: “The Feels”

We’re going to talk about feelings! YOUR feelings. Are feelings valid? Can you feel more than one feeling at once? Do feelings have consequences? I answer all of these questions from my perspective. I hope you find it insightful, useful, or at least interesting.

If you like what I’m doing with these, please feel free to subscribe or support me on Patreon. Thanks in advance!

Vlog #1: “The Stigma”


We all have to start somewhere.

This is my first attempt at doing something like this, on a lot of levels. I can be a bit of a perfectionist, and there are a great deal of things I want to change, tweak, and improve upon the next time I slap one of these together. But, here you go. The first, I hope, of many vlogs talking openly about mental illness, how it makes me feel, and how I feel we as individuals should address the battles in our own heads.

Be kind.

I Am Not Okay

“Everything is terrible and nothing is not on fire.”

I’m sure most of the people who read this know, but for those of you don’t, I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. This consists of cycling between two modes of thought and mood: depression and mania. In my case, as my disorder is less severe than others, the opposite of depression for me is “hypomania”. While other factors may cause me to cycle rapidly between different moods – my case worker calls this “emotional reactivity” and suggests it’s different from bipolar – the depressive state and the hypomanic state are different baselines.

I am very aware of when I’m depressed.

Hypomanic, less so.

Over the past week or so, I have had a hypomanic episode.

Maniacs do highly obvious and out-of-character things when they are in the throes of an episode. Hypomania is more subtle, and in that way, more destructive. Hypomania is unrestrained energy and attachment to joyous, uplifting, or simply distracting things. It’s a tendency to spend more money than one really should, losing track of budgets, and accruing debt. It’s ignoring self-care in favor of being out, having fun, and indulging in pleasures, vices, and ultimately self-destructive behaviors which are also damaging to others.

The problem is, these things are fun, and in the midst of an episode, I feel happy.

Please understand that, as I write this, I do not consider it an excuse for my behavior, or for decisions I’ve made. This is an explanation. Like the discovery of motive during a criminal trial, my realization of the episode explains some of the poor decisions I’ve made. Those decisions were still made by me, and I must accept responsibility for them and deal with their consequences. It’s more than making apologies and admitting I’ve fucked up. It is making an active effort to do better, act better, be better.

It begins with admitting that I am not okay.

My instinct is to run away from things. To cut ties with the people I’ve hurt and go into radio silence. To push away those who care about me. To crawl into a hole and pull it closed after me. But what would that change? How would that help me and, more importantly, people I’ve hurt? The answer is that it wouldn’t. These things are knee-jerk reactions caused by swinging back downwards into depression.

I need help. I must discuss with professionals ways to be more aware of swings into hypomania, if there is medication to give my mental state a “ceiling”, and what else I can do to establish a balanced mental baseline. I am already on medication, mood stabilizers, to mitigate some of the swings. However, since my baseline is typically low (I stay depressed for months and this hypomanic episode was a mere few days) I need to find ways to raise it. In the meantime, I need to return to more focused, more active self-care. Cleaning up my messes. Sleeping more. Eating. Looking myself in the mirror and knowing that I won’t like what I see.

I neither expect nor demand help from my friends. Professionals, yes. Friends, no. I have some great people in my life who will want to help and give advice. I’ll accept what I’m given but I won’t make a habit of asking. The last thing I want is to cause further discomfort or give the impression I’m using any of the above to manipulate the situation in my favor. I’m not a con man. This is not a game. This is damage control.

I am not okay.

And I won’t be okay until I deal with this aspect of my issues, first and foremost, before anybody else gets hurt.

So I’m going to do that.

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